No one enjoys paying taxes but it helps to choose exactly where your tax dollars are going. This year consider providing either a one-time or multiple tax-deductible donations to help our VFW Post continue supporting our local Veteran and Veteran families!
Every dollar you give to our non-profit Veteran service organization is tax deductible from both state and federal taxes. Don't forget to also check with your tax preparer to see if donations to the Post are eligible for an Arizona State direct tax credit.
This year lower your taxes and support our Veteran community at the same time with a tax-deductible donation!
Help us to do even more for our Veterans in need. VFW Post 10227 accepts donations in person or through PayPal. Each dollar we raise is one more dollar to help our Veterans in need. Please consider donating to help our Veterans and their families. To contribute click the link below.
Our mission is to care for our nations Veterans and their families. For those with a passion for helping others, volunteering with our organization will be a rewarding experience. We have a myriad of opportunities to help our Veterans and their families here in the Tri-City area and we would love to have you as part of our team.
Some Volunteer opportunities include: Flag line (posting/recovery of flags along HWY 69); Flag Retirement (ceremonial burning); Veteran in Need Campaign support (multiple); Buddy Poppy fundraising; Veteran Referral; VA in-patient visitation, Hospice & Home visits; Transportation of Veterans to critical appointments as well as a host of opportunities helping us maintain our non-profit Veteran Service facility. If you have a passion or talent and want to volunteer, we would love to match your passion and talent to a need within our organization, wherever it is that you want to serve.
Consider joining our organization in these efforts and making a real difference in the lives of those that have sacrificed so much for us. Not only will you be helping our Veterans in need, but your life will be enriched as well. Come join our team, make life-long friendships and be a vital part of caring for our nations Veterans and their families. Please contact us (below) for more information.
As defenders of our nation and her citizenry we welcome those with military combat service into our ranks. Each of us knows what it means to serve. As a member you will find the familiar camaraderie and culture that comes with being surrounded by fellow warriors who, like you, have sacrificed through service in combat to keep our nation free and now strive to continue serving our veteran community and their families.
Each of our members answered the call to arms and served on one or more of our nation’s battlefields. If you served in combat, whether in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Korea, Kosovo, Vietnam, as part of the war on terrorism or the many peace-keeping expeditionary campaigns you are welcome to Join our ranks.
You earned this right through your courage and sacrifice and you have made a difference in preserving and defending our nation. Our VFW strives to do good in support of our veterans, their families and our community. From local individual support to national influence - we work every day to make a positive difference. Our members and vollunteers are our strength as an organization and with every membership we grow stronger.
If you have received a campaign medal for overseas service, have served 30 consecutive or 60 non-consecutive days in Korea or have ever received hostile fire or imminent danger pay, then you are eligible to join. For more information about becoming a member of our great worldwide organization we invite you to call us at 928-759-0095 or stop by our Post at 2375 N. 5th Street, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 during office hours (Mon-Fri 10-2 or Sat 12-3). You can also email us at Membership Application with costs is downloadable below.
The Mingus Mountain "Dirty Dozen” is an elite group of Member-Sponsors who donate a minimum of $1,000 per year. Initiated by Past Commander Mike Schuster, Dirty Dozen members originally donated $1,200 per year and were instrumental in paying off the Post Mortgage in 2022.
With the mortgage paid off, each Dirty Dozen member continues to give 1,000 tax-deductible dollars each year which allows the Post to continue operating.
Each Member-Sponsor receives a genuine leather vest or bomber jacket (at no cost to the member). Each Vest or Jacket is emblazoned with the unique Dirty Dozen patch, the year of sponsorship and the U.S. Flag. Scroll down to see pix of Dirty Dozen Vests and Jackets.
You don't have to be a VFW member to join the Dirty Dozen. Just contact our office at 928-759-0095 or email us at to join!